

Talisman: The Deep Realms

The last few weeks have been a total whirlwind.  I filled my plate very quickly with a lot of freelance work, which has kept me very, very busy, while also applying for openings at studios, talking to art directors and recruiters, all while trying to consider what I might want to do next artistically.

It has been interesting balancing all the work while also trying to do more reading and exploratory sketchbook work, which had really fallen off over the last few years (yikes!)

Here is a piece that I did some time ago, as is usually the case with contract work. I worked with Zoe Robinson and Andy Christensen art directing. As always, its great to work with them. This piece was definitely kind of a new challenge for me, but I really had a lot of fun designing the armor and painting all the glowing, whispy magic. There is another piece I did around the same time for this project, but you'll just have to wait for the game to come out.

1 comment:

Dave Kapah said...

Really like this painting. These smokey souls look great!